Ivy, Irving, Ivan & Isabelle
Ch. Blueprint Gratitude
to Brasswinds x
Ch. Ashbrook Alley Cat
Whelped September, 2002
Peanut, Lexi, Lizzie, Angel,
Buster & Lucas
Ashbrook Devil's Advocate TD WDX x Ashbrook Sweet
Whelped May 19, 2001 |
Grace, Simon, Clay,
Tucker & Nebbi
Cricklewood's Hugh Heffner x
Ch. Ashbrook Blazin' New Trails
Whelped June 24, 2003 |
Riley, Skylar, Annie, Mabel, & Basil
Ch. Brasswinds Ego Trip x
Ashbrook Sweet Emotion
Whelped December 1, 2001 |
The "Devil" Litter
Dickens, Tax, Dexter,
Roswell, & Casey
Ch. Stardust Cimarron ECM x
Ch. Headwinds Kittyhawk ECM
Whelped September 21, 1999 |
Back Row - Jack, Jiggs, Jennie
Front Row - Joey & Jake
Ch. Bobwhite Fraecroft Gunsmoke x
Ch. Sandcastle's Playboy Bunny
Whepled August 29, 2003 |
Aspen, Daisy, Higgins, & Rudy
Ch. Daisymead's Born In The USA
x Ch. Ashbrook Alley Cat
Whelped December 13, 2001
L Litter
Left to right, top to bottom
Logan, Leo, Levi, Lucky
Livvie, Luna & Lily
Whelped April 27, 2004
Ch. Ashbrook Aristocrat ECM x Ch. Ashbrook Blazin'
New Trails |